It’s been a good day today. Much work has been done and I have been sitting half the day trying to teach my brother WordPress and how to quickly get a website out on the web. It has gone well and we will continue again tomorrow.

I got a really nice question from my colleague Malin Tvedt today. She asked me if I wanted to go out and shoot Stockholm by night later on. That is always interesting and sometimes you come home with some really nice pictures. Today was such a day. Malin and I walked from from Medborgarplatsen up to Fjällgatan at Södermalm. A great and rewarding place photographicly speaking.

Just one drawback. I can’t cope with high altitudes. Fjällgatan is a mountain that drops straight down into a highway 30 meters below. It really feels in your knees and sometimes you have to squat down so you do not faint. At least I have to. Especially when it is just an iron fence with thin steel rods between you and a certain death.

Stockholm by night

This is the picture I got. It has been developed in Lightroom and then it got some Glamour Glow from NikSoftwares Color Efex Pro 4. I used my D800 with a manual 50mm f1.4 (old glass from the 70s), Aperture 8, Shutter Speed 30 seconds. Of course I used both a remote and tripod.


Dan Wolgers statue “Torso” in front of The Photographic museum in Stockholm. Shot handheld with just the street lighting as main lighting from above. I used a small flash to illuminate the eye and then I experimented with the white balance. Since the white balance was for a completely different type of lighting, the handheld flash got a blue effect.

Go out in the night and shoot more! It’s really fun! A good tip is to go manually. The camera has a tendency to give you some really werid exposure values otherwise.

Good Luck!


Getting it right from the beginning
Food is great

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