You might think that product-photography is easy because you can turn, tilt, flip and light the things exactly as you want. But then you soon realize that the product has no emotions, no feelings and won’t move, bend or smile even if you ask politely.

One of the most exciting assignments I’ve had in my career was shooting for an airline in mid-air. During a commercial flight. In a small Fokker 50.

Their marketing boss told me that I could do whatever I wanted. I had absolutely no restrictions. I was in heaven. Literally. I brought a model, who could act like a passenger, to not disturb the real ones. It’s really convenient to bring a model who also could act as your assistant. Especially in small places like this. And when I say small, I mean small. On one of the shots here in the gallery you can se my model reading.  To get that soft light I had to use an umbrella and a light-stand. If you unfold an umbrella in a Fokker 50, let me tell you, it’s going to get stuck in the ceiling between the overhead compartments. Quite embarrassing.

But with that nice air-hostess it wasn’t a problem. It brought down a big laugh from the passengers when she had to make the landing announcement like a crooked cheese-doodle under the stuck and crippled umbrella.

The captain on the plane on the way back to Stockholm was one of the nicest persons I’ve met. He really loved the passion shown by me and my model in making the best pictures we could for their airline. When we got back to Stockholm we did the ”crew-walk” from the airplane. And the most engaged person was actually the captain. He moved ugly warning-signs from the runway, and he fixed everyone’s costume. We did the walk ten times. And we nailed it!


Landscape photography is all about getting dirty and cold
Don’t forget to show love on special occasions

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