Debunking the Sensor Size Myth – Why Full Frame Isn’t the Holy Grail
For as long as digital photography has existed, the topic of sensor sizes has been a battlefield. Full-frame versus APS-C. APS-C versus Micro Four Thirds. And somewhere in the distance, medium format looms, ready to take its own swipe at the so-called "king." The...
Beyond the Numbers – A Photographer’s True Journey
I have always believed that photography is more than just pressing a button. It is more than a camera, more than a sensor, more than a never-ending debate about megapixels, crop factors, and frame rates. Photography is a story—one that begins long before you pick up...
Midsummer 2018
Every year I celebrate midsummer at home on the small island Tranarö in the Swedish archipelago. This year I was the host and felt it was my responsibility to provide some pictures from this wonderful occasion. Please enjoy! [gallery link="file"...
Creative Photography
Always. I do.
HQ's Stockholm
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